Toby Martin


Toby is the QA Practice Lead at Pushpay, with over 25 years of experience in testing and quality practices. Throughout his career, Toby has worked on a diverse array of technologies, including embedded power systems, medical robotics, and SaaS payment solutions.

With a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience, Toby continues to be deeply involved in all levels of QA, advocating for risk-based testing and shift left quality procedures.

Stop automating, start investigating: a guide to slowing down to speed up

In an environment where code releases occur 15 times per day, it's natural to assume that increasing Test Automation is the way forward, however I believe differently.

In an industry where sheer quantity of tests is often prioritised, at Pushpay we champion quality over quantity. Learn how we're implementing a risk-based approach, shifting left, and embracing a methodology that underscores the value of slowing down to ultimately accelerate the development process.