Privacy policy

What and how we track


What we know

  • Number of site/page visits

  • Average time spent on the website

  • Countries visitors are from

  • How people arrive at the site (e.g. clicking on a campaign link from Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.)

  • Device, browser, and/or app used to view the site.

We cannot determine anyone's personal identity based on this information. None of the site analytics tools we use allows us to filter statistics by user or user flow.

For instance, we do not know if the person who landed on our homepage also clicked on another page. Additionally, we do not know if they are one of the 20 people from New Zealand or which device they are using. We only have individual totals of each statistic, without any information about their relationship with one another.

Website tracking tool

This website is build on Squarespace, so we have access to Squarespace built in analytics

For more information, please see Squarespace’s privacy policy.

Social media

We mainly use Twitter, LinkedIn, and Youtube. These platforms have built-in analytics, which will tell us the following:

  • The number of views, reshares, links, etc.

  • Users who interacted with our posts/page

  • Users who are planning to attend our events published on those platforms

They could tell us more, but we don’t intend to take data out of these platforms or use it anywhere else.

Email newsletter

We’re using EmailOctopus to manage our email newsletter.

This platform generally tell us:

  • Email and other information people gave us when they subscribed

  • How many people open our email

  • Who hit unsubscribe

More about EmailOctopus' privacy policy on their website.

Registration information

We have various forms for people to purchase tickets, sign up as a volunteer, register as a speaker, and more. These forms require personal information such as email addresses and names.

This information is used solely for the purpose for which you provided it. For example:

  • If you purchase tickets for an event, we will only use your information to facilitate your attendance at that event.

  • If you are registering as a volunteer, we will only use your information to manage you as a volunteer.

Post-event clean up of PII data

We’re serious about handling PII (Personally Identifiable Information).

Within a few months after the event has concluded, we generate a non-PII aggregate report based on user statistics such as name of companies people worked for, where most people were traveling from, roughly how many ICs or managers attended, and etc.

After we’ve created this PII free report, we remove all personal registration information from our records wherever we can.

Ticketing platform

We use Humanitix to sell tickets. It comes shipped with very basic analytics based on information provided during registration. See Humanitix privacy policy.

Event documentation

When you attend our events, photos and videos may be taken for promotional use at a later time. By attending our events in person, you have agreed to this.

We will do our best to respect your wish not to be photographed or filmed by providing a mechanism for you to identify yourself at the event. However, please keep in mind that our media crew may not always be able to avoid you.

Why we track

Understand how people found us

As a small team starting a new platform, it is helpful for us to know how people are landing on this site. Did they click on a social media post or stumble upon it in their work chat?

We have opened a few social media accounts for this platform, hoping to find the best way to reach the community. However, keeping all those accounts up-to-date for an extended period can be exhausting.

Eventually, we will focus on sharing on the platforms where people seem to be most engaged with the community. To determine which one that is, we will add tracking to links we share on other platforms. Once we know, we can cut down on this kind of link tracking.

Tailor content to suit your growth

You will like and dislike the content we post, and that is normal. But we want to ensure that the content we're putting out is engaging and valuable for your personal development.

For example, if everyone seems to be commenting on a specific software engineering topic, we will endeavour to find knowledgeable speakers or writers who can contribute to the discussion.

Get sponsorship or support for hosting costs

Sponsors are more likely to be generous when they know the aggregate numbers, such as how many attendees and subscribers there are.

As mentioned, we will not share anything that can be personally identifiable.